Do not tamp the coffee as this will create excess pressure in your pot. If you using an electric moka pot you just need to plug in and turn it on. You’ll want it full and level.
Check For Stray Grounds Around The Edge Of The Chamber As This Can Affect The Seal.
Remove any coffee grounds on the edge of the funnel. Learn how to use the bialetti moka express with instructions on get. The mechanics are fairly similar to a percolator.
As The Water Is Heated, It Passes Up Through The Coffee In The Filter Basket And Gurgles Out Into The Top Chamber.
Fill the lower chamber with cold water just below the valve. A safety valve in the boiler can release steam should the pressure get too high as a. Avoid using the handle for.
Moka Pots Use A Simple But Efficient Mechanism For Brewing Coffee.
A moka pot consists of a bottom chamber to hold the water, a filter basket for ground coffee, and an upper chamber where the finished coffee collects. Visit my website for the complete moka po. The upper chamber for the final coffee.
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